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Latest Reviews

  1. brendonwright1989
    Version: 1.1
    The orange colour is neat. It would be nice to have a mod that changes the existing street lights into orange. Surely it can be done but leaving the original sizing as they are in the game. Can anyone look into this?

    This DOES work in XXL, HOWEVER, the brighter houses patch does not. You can install one of the lighting effects. The only issues are - the lighting flares up buildings and provides unrealistic and annoyingly bright parts of buildings that somewhat render the original modders work useless. You can avoid this by setting the building back off the street, however if you've already laid out your buildings this is a lot of unnecessary work.
    Secondly the lighting leave square-like patches on the ground.
  2. brendonwright1989
    Version: 2025-03-15
    Another great mod, thanks so much. Your contributions are so appreciated.
  3. 远伴相随From China
    远伴相随From China
    Version: 2025-03-15
    It is precisely because of your updates that our cities community is full of vitality!
    1. axel
      Author's Response
      Thank you buddy glad to be at sevice
  4. parker2244
    Version: 2025-03-15
    Thanks so much for keeping the game alive dude! This is one more great mod of you
    1. axel
      Author's Response
      Thank you buddy, your welcome
  5. AngryComrade
    Version: 2025-03-15
    Beautiful! Still givin' CXXL the life it needs!
    1. axel
      Author's Response
      Thanks buddy
  6. campana73660
    Version: 2025-03-15
    Very good job ! Keep this game alive !
    1. axel
      Author's Response
      Thanks buddy
  7. Kalrisian
    Version: 2025-03-15
    I didn't expect to see a mod for Cities anymore. Thank you very much for that. Of course, it comes from the last active modder Axel. Will try it right away. Thanks again.
    1. axel
      Author's Response
      Thanks buddy
  8. Nickfrost