CXXL offers us beautiful surroundings, weather options as well as a few(just a few) new buildings. That's alright. I can start building new cities.
- Population:
- 31284
- Map:
- Painted_Canyon
Albuquerque is still under heavy construction. Updates coming soon.
La construction de la Ville est en cours. Veuillez patienter. Des mises à jour arriveront bientôt.
The sunset of The Great Desert
Le coucher de soleil du Grand Désert
(ça me rappelle la mélancolie du Petit Prince)
Euh...this city is still quite empty.
Bah...cette ville reste plutôt déserte.
Future City Centre
Le Centre-ville Futur
The Crossroads
Le Carrefour
Yeah I super love these new rectagular parks! However, my ability of decorating my city is considerably limited by the absence of pedestrian paths.
Residential Area
Zone Résidentielle
The West Interchange
L'échangeur Ouest
Quite impossible to build a city without Highways and Interchanges, huh?
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XLN's future is looking kind of grimCJ Albuquerque
My first XXL city---Ville au centre du désert
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