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  2. Please see the following thread for more information
    XLN's future is looking kind of grim

Tutorial Beginners Modding Guide Module1 Required Resources V1.0

First in a series of modules describing how to make a building for CitiesXL from scratch

  1. PaulJChris
    This first module sets out the required software for CitiesXL modding with updated links as to where to find and how to install the necessary resources.
    Bannor, AlexArtAndros, kipate and 4 others like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Dario Viada
    Dario Viada
    Version: V1.0
    Muy útil, gracias
  2. nicko2u
    Version: V1.0
    Awesome, good to have such info if needed again.
  3. Mr.X²
    Version: V1.0
    thanks for taking your time, hopefully more people start modding now :)
  4. gbojanic
    Version: V1.0
    Well done. Hopefully this will 'recruit' new modders...
  5. Monty
    Version: V1.0
    Good work PJC!