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Changes Decrease Population Slightly v1.10

Decreases population slightly, house less workers in residential buildings

  1. XL Nation Staff
    This mod decreases population slightly as it houses less workers in residential buildings. The mod covers all skill levels.

    Residential content in CXL is counted per building, the values are used to multiple a population by complex math. However these numbers aren't the actual residents or workers per building but the numbers are used to calculate an overall population by complex math.

    This mod changes high density buildings to have less residents:

    Density ... Old ... New
    Low .......... 1 ......... 1
    Med .......... 2 ......... 2
    High ......... 5 ......... 4

    * This mod changes residential buildings max citizens value of high density.

    * The new population figure is based on your residential zoning density palette. You need to give time for the engine to count the new population figure. That is dependent on your densities and existing population, if not a new city. The time that it takes for the engine to count the new population figure is dependent much on your system specs.

    * The mod is not compatible with population increase mod.

    + If you like the mod click thumbs up, thank you.
    Installation Pre-requiste(s):

Recent Reviews

  1. Mário Diniz94
    Mário Diniz94
    Version: v1.10
    I love it, if it was possible to do a mod that decrese the population even more it whould be perfect but for now i thank you for sharing this one.
  2. Narcis
    Version: v1.10
    Please Update this set all to value 1,This game is so unrealistic to many people for a small city!
  3. Anonymous
    Version: v1.10
    It didn't work on my XL 2012. How can 86 people live in a small house?
  4. ObelicS
    Version: v1.10
    Is this working for XXL ?
  5. Steven H. Endermann
    Steven H. Endermann
    Version: v1.10
    It did get annoying when 623 people wold move into a garage-sized house. This mod makes the game play much more realistic.