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Residential Dutch row houses redone 1.0

row houses redone

  1. axel
    Four different of dutch row houses
    I also want to thank PJC for helping me out with script file
    Installation Pre-requiste(s):
    just copy and save the patch file in your mod directory


    1. rij.jpg
    Lokentaz, alex l, 222X222 and 15 others like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. ObelicS
    Version: 1.0
    Great mod !
    Is this working with XXL ?
    1. axel
      Author's Response
      Hi yes my friend it works in xxl
  2. Maffiossi
    Version: 1.0
    thank you so much for this mod
    nice to see some buildings from my country
    1. axel
      Author's Response
      no problem mate more wil come
  3. Jelco
    Version: 1.0
    Yes! can't wait to try it out
    1. axel
      Author's Response
      thanks mate
  4. Ole
    Version: 1.0
    Awesome, and so needed (for me :P)! The only thing I don't like is the stone wall around the garden, it makes it look like a prison :P
    1. axel
      Author's Response
      yes mate but most dutch houses have them ;-)
  5. Benster
    Version: 1.0
    Love your dutch styled houses!
    1. axel
      Author's Response
      thank you mate
  6. Pamascus27
    Version: 1.0
    Looks pretty nice mate! Welcome back to modding :)
    1. axel
      Author's Response
      thanks mate :-)
  7. Peter912
    Version: 1.0
    Awesome axel, welcome back!
    1. axel
      Author's Response
      thanks mate good to be back
  8. Dreian
    Version: 1.0
    Yeah!!!! My man Axel is back into business!!!! :) That is awesome news and of course top quality building for builders of flanders- dutch cities! Thx mate
    1. axel
      Author's Response
      My mate Dreian good to see you to mate, thanks ;-)
  9. snick
    Version: 1.0
    Hey axel, nice to see you back! These rowhouses are looking great, will fit in many cities, and the game could always use more low-rises. :)
    1. axel
      Author's Response
      Hi mate thanks its good to be back, ill make more soon ;-)
  10. Mr.X²
    Version: 1.0
    pretty cool, are those new? looks like uk-housings :)
    1. axel
      Author's Response
      hi mate thank you, yes new redone a bit more detailed