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Tutorial How to make arcade buildings

By using this tutorial you can build buildings with arcade and more...

  1. XL Nation Staff
    Hello all! Would you like to know, how to buil those fancy-looking buildings with tunells and stuff? No problem, you can build many original srtructures by using this tutorial. I will share with you my know-how, but be careful = this technique is a little bit dangerous, so follow this tutorial.

    What you can build? There are some examples:





    Mods, that you need:
    Pharmist water road pack or wooden bridge: download (big thanks to joues for alternative upload, white button next to blue for download)
    water plazas from g-c download
    Montoto´s decorative arch download
    Small collision box mod download (you need UIM)
    some plaza, which dasn´t terraform and is small : some of ower water plazazas download

    WARNING: Use these plazas. By using some large plaza you can overload your CPU!

    1.Choose area, where you want to build. This place must be flat and enough large. Area must be bigger than finnal building.


    2.Now place one arch. It is use only for better assessment of hight second level of building.

    or place some building, which will be used like first level base.

    3.Use wooden water bridge by Pharmist (or water roads) to crate level of second building layer(use shift to select hight of the bridge). Select all area, where you can build.The hight must be a little bit smaller than arch´s hight.


    4.Delete arch or buildings and by using large plaza or dig area tool fill area enclosed by wooden bridge.

    5.Delete plaza and roads(wooden bridge)

    6.Build top level of buildings- use small collision box buildings! (choose buildings, which you want, but not every building is suitable. You can choose buildings, which you can see in the pictures, these are fine)

    Be careful, how you place buildings- Red points to connect should be outwards.



    You can see, that in this tutorial I am building 4 buildings.
    First: Arcade building with central square
    Second: Small easy building from T3 office
    Third: Big palace with Art Museum
    Fourth: church experiment

    7.Place water plaza under buildings




    It should looks like this.

    8.In arcade building you can make tunels from archs under building.



    9.Now is time to build bottom layer of buildings. It is not easy to place building on right place. Be careful, where you have connect red points.



    10.If you placed all building from bottom layer, you can place archs around buildings and where you want



    Do not forget place archs aroun central square in arcade building
    11. Now palce building where you doesn´t place archs


    12. Place roads around buildings to connect. Some building may be not connecte, so you will need to place road trought the building, but it is easy, beacause buildings have small collision box.

    14. Place small plaza under building

    Done! Enjoy your new structures.

    Finnal pictures:



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Recent Reviews

  1. selodinger
    I've just seen this tutorial, thanks for the tips :)
  2. haoyes100
    this is just amazing!
  3. kipate
    One of the best tutorials here!
  4. AngryComrade
    This is really great. :D Useful if you know how to take full control out of all good things and few flaws of the game. My respects to the author! :D