this is a small patch file fixing some missing things which are causing some errors and crashes
only use this patch if your log file says sth like this
it also fixes this error messageCode:[22:26:49] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data\design\actor\vehicle\ [22:26:49] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data\design\actor\vehicle\ [22:26:49] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data\design\actor\vehicle\ [22:26:49] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data\design\actor\vehicle\ [22:26:49] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data\design\actor\vehicle\ [22:26:49] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data\design\actor\vehicle\ [22:26:49] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data\design\actor\vehicle\ [22:26:49] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data\design\actor\vehicle\ [22:26:49] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data\design\actor\vehicle\ [22:26:49] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file data\design\actor\vehicle\
Code:can't open file data/gfx/trees/forest/t_koreanstewartia/koreanstewartia.spt
this patch uses templates i just copied and renamed.. so dont wonder if something might look weird (i havent noticed anything so far..)
if your game cant read or open some other things, post it into the discussion thread, and ill see what i can do
i decided to share it, cause it might help some others having this issue
- Installation Pre-requiste(s):
- cities xl :P
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XLN's future is looking kind of grimChanges missing brXXntrailer fix 1.0
a small patch fixing the missing trailers - READ CAREFULLY BEFORE DOWNLOADING!!
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