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Residential Package village of Florence - ADDON 2016-03-09

zenozone addon at firenze v1.1 by drazic

  1. SettlersGrandPa
    Version: 2016-03-09
    Thank you zenozone for this great add-on to Drazic Florence package!
  2. alex l
    alex l
    Version: 2016-03-09
    Very beautiful house, Italian style. Thank you very much for Your work!
  3. game9
    Version: 2016-03-09
    Thanks for sharing it! This is very good!
  4. Shinway.Wang
    Version: 2016-03-09
    These buildings look a great sense of the age!
    1. zenozone
      Author's Response
      Hi shinway... said Thanks to Drazic!!! he's the invetor!!!
  5. royb 98
    royb 98
    Version: 2016-03-09
    Thanks a lot, the no collision is absolutely essential to build nice cities.
    Version: 2016-03-09
    Thanks for your awesome job
    1. zenozone
      Author's Response
      Thanks to you, mine it's a very small job.. said infinite thanks to Drazidesign!!! He did the hardjob!!!
  7. xSchmitterSx
    Version: 2016-03-09
    love this second package thank you
    1. zenozone
      Author's Response
      Thanks, Hoping one day i will able to create some new building!!