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CJ Patalia

First try of cxxl with a small southeast asian town

  1. solo
    I really like your other city's, but this one didn't hit the mark, it doesn't feel Asian enough in my opinion (if that was what you where going for) look forward to the next city!!!
    1. Clemech4
      Author's Response
      I agree, it's not the best city i've made but it was to test cxxl. But another city is under construction :)
  2. kipate
    Nice little town you made there.
    I like your hamlets and suburbs a lot!
    It really looks a bit like a formerly Dutch town in Batavia,
    today called Indonesia!
    I rate it 3 stars, as a small town cannot yet be compared to
    a huge metropolis, regarding the amount of time and care to be
    invested in it. Also, a little story was missing...
    1. Clemech4
      Author's Response
      Thanks for your review. I'm not a specialist of asian cities^^
      But i don't agree when you said small cities can't be compared with big, because it can take a lot of time if you emphasize the details, but it's not the case for Patalia :)
  3. Anonymous
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!Goooooooooooooooooooooood :)
    1. Clemech4
  4. wayne delaporte
    wayne delaporte
    love these little towns....
    1. Clemech4