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Transportation PJC Concrete Arched Bridges 25M & 30M 2014-08-24

XLN September 2013 Bridge Challenge - Contribution No2

  1. PaulJChris
    • CitiesXL 2012
    • CitiesXL Platinum
    2 More Custom bridges in a poured concrete style , this time for the small and large avenue road widths (25M & 30M) .

    cxl_screenshot_paul town_25.jpg
    More Images below:
    Register or to view Spoiler content!

    Menu Location:
    concrete bridge menu.png

    Download patch file and place in your mods folder.
    Installation Pre-requiste(s):
    User Interface Mod by Altiris V1.79.7 or higher

Recent Reviews

  1. Anonymous
    Version: 2014-08-24
    Fix the page Photos
  2. Mr.X²
    Version: 2014-08-24
    actually a very nice addition to ingame bridges
  3. Steven H. Endermann
    Steven H. Endermann
    Version: 2014-08-24
    The arches could be a little bit closer and the number of individual arches could be reduced.