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A hilly city under development in the Northern Italy

  1. JuanAcadé

    JuanAcadé Elite

    Aug 29, 2014
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    JuanAcadé submitted a new resource:

    Ferriere - A hilly city under development in the Northern Italy

    Read more about this resource...
    Drazicdesign likes this.
  2. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Fabulous journal and a fantastic city that you created!!!
    I have to say that there are some parts that I do not like as much as the rest, but that does not matter in my rating :)
    For example, despite the fact that I love the custom-made train station a lot, it seems a bit unrealistic to me that there is such a slope. Usually, engineers do everything they can to have only small gradients :'D
    Also, at parts I would have wished for some more variety concerning your choice of tree plazas. You mostly used just three plazas with trees on, and you hardly mixed them to create some kind of smooth
    Regarding plazas in general, at parts I would have preferred another choice. For example, that huge gray plaza in front of the large train station looks boring and dreary.
    Also, at parts I would have wished if you had avoided these red dots and connected the building with a pedestrain path or the like^^
    Some critique of mine is that you hardly worked towards the river, you mostly just placed tree plazas alongside, and the small district along the river is placed oddly close to the water, I can't imagine that this part would withstand annual floods due to melting snow. And I still miss one or another more school^^
    But as said, just minor points :)
    I love the city! I love how you created the city such that it really looks like it grew from its historic core to its 19th/20th century borders, well done! I have to say that I am impressed that you took your time to construct not only one wall around the city, but two, which was quite common among rich ancient cities. Really nice :)
    I also admire your custom-made buildings and structures. The hospital on the hilltop is amazing, you wisely combined fitting no-collision buildings such that the whole complex really looks like it has been expanded over time! Same for the students' apartments! And of course, the Galleria is a true masterpiece! Fantastic composition of buildings, and I would love to saunter there :)
    I also like your idea of giving us the impression that there is another station below that main train station. I mean, the same has actually been done within certain Italian cities like Torino, Bologna, or Florence!
    The general layout looks also hyperrealistic! You did not try for some overly complex highway interchanges, but I think the way it is now is more than convincing to me :) The road layout of the districts is also fine!
    Last but not least, of course, I could not leave without a single comment about your glorious work on the old town. The way you orchestrated lower lying districts with districts on the hills, the way you placed the churches as focal points, that's the work of a master, awesome! And the composition truly pays off, your images look amazing!
    Keep it up!
  3. JuanAcadé

    JuanAcadé Elite

    Aug 29, 2014
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    Thank you, as usual your comments are generous and well received, but to see they are not all compliments is the best proof that you've taken your time to evaluate every corner of the city and I'm happy with that.
    And I have to say that I'm unsatisfied with some areas too, probably anxiety make me let them that way instead of trying to do something else.
    Anyway, I'll try to clarify some decisions:
    1°) It's supposed that the rails are at ground level in the station and only the roof changes its height, but I can't separate both elements, and I couldn't give it a smoother slop because that specific railbridge doesn't allow a gradual height variation like others do (Btw I am an engineer :))
    2°) I agree that plazas are something that I have to improve. Crearly they're not my favourite components of a city when it comes to designing them. So could you show me an example of that transition you've mentioned?
    And I thought about placing individual trees instead of plazas, but the file is very "heavy" at this point and it takes several minutes for all trees to load into the model. Maybe when I finish the city I could remake some plazas and parks with more detail.
    3°) I thought that dots wouldn't be shown in the screenshots :facepalm:
    4°) I did considered flood in some cases, e.g.: Parco Garilbaldi occupies the mayor flood zone. Plus, much of the rest
    of the riverbank is elevated so I really didn't think of using it for something else.
    But that district was done before that analysis and responds more to the fact that the street could pass under the bridge. In anycase, they are just a few hundred of victims.. :sneaky:
    The district along the southbank will have a different interaction with the river, or at least I have the idea of a small waterfront or esplanade.
    5°) I don't like in-game schools, that's the reason. There are one or two in Centro-Ovest and they're all. I think somewhere there's a mod of an Italian style school that would fit in the city.
    6°) The idea of the double wall was taken directly from Carcassonne, but I couldn't immitate it as well as I wanted.
    7°) The railroad below the station wasn't planned at first, it was just a solution for a planning omission or deficiency, but the result was pretty good.
    8°) I didn't want to disappoint Monty by wasting all those pretty curves he put on the map haha :love:
  4. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Hey :)

    Of course I analyzed the way you built your city ;) I enjoyed that part a lot (y)

    Concerning your points, I think I understand most of your decisions, no worries :)
    About the transition part, I generally recommend the journals by Clemech4, he always creates amazing landscapes :)
    For example his competition entry of Tsimarza:
    You can see that he used several tree plazas to play with the density, and sometimes used different forest plazas to give us the impression of a mixed forest :) And especially in the left lower part, you can recognize the transition. Of course, with more patience, it may be done even better, but that's up to everyone ;)

    There are some nice school mods around ;)
    Civic Services | XLNation - Cities XXL

    Oh yeah, Carcasonne of course is the number one masterpiece, and you're right, it's hard to imitate. I was working for hours on terraforming the hill within Arenzano to be able to place the castle the way I wanted, and it is not even half as large as yours, so I totally get your frustration :D
    JuanAcadé likes this.
  5. JuanAcadé

    JuanAcadé Elite

    Aug 29, 2014
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    Ok, I see what you mean. I think I've did it in a few places, but didn't take the time to apply it on a larger scale. I'll try the technique, and adding some autumn trees too.

    Totally, making a castle like Carcassonne is a project by itself and it would take even more time than I have dedicated to mine, not to mention the struggles with the encounters wall to wall and plazas to walls.
  6. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Autumn trees? That's cheating :p
  7. JuanAcadé

    JuanAcadé Elite

    Aug 29, 2014
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    Why? It's still autumn here :D but anyway idk if the mod I need works in XXL
  8. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Well, because of the colours they add to the images, it makes everything look idyllic, scenic^^
    Which mod are you talking about? Most XL mods work in XXL, if you use the general fix by Monty.
  9. Drazicdesign

    Drazicdesign Ambasidor

    Aug 24, 2014
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    As promised in my comment, I come back to comment on your city.

    Even if I fell in love with your city there are some points to improve.
    - To avoid the red squares I invite you to place a path just in front of the red square.

    - Regarding parks and gardens, I would have liked to see more diversification in the choice of plazas that you used.

    - Concerning certain crossroads and roundabouts:
    you can use the bridge routes to avoid too many pedestrian crossings.

    - I would have liked a little more variety of building in the construction of the "new city",
    I'm talking about German buildings,
    you will gain realism by inserting some modern buildings, between the German buildings.
    (the old town and the historic center are perfect)

    - I guess the banks of the river will be fitted later

    - At the moment there are few details on the places, but I suppose that will come later also. Is not it?
    Well, not much more to say about it!

    Now I'm going to tell you about the more than positive points
    - I love your historic center, and especially the choices of church placement or other landmark.
    Santa maria cathedral, located below in a more recent historic center is well thought out.

    - I love the few maps and maps that you made to present your city!

    - The road network is well structured, I like the expressway that goes around the city from the north and continues west of the city.

    - the location of landmarks and other important buildings are perfectly balanced, distributed, in the city.

    - Your night images are particularly well retouched!

    - I love this pic ! obviously it would have even more charm with the banks of the landscaped river

    I congratulate you, it's always a pleasure for me, after 10 years of playing, seeing cities like yours!(y)
    Now, I look forward to the rest!:p
    JuanAcadé and kipate like this.
  10. JuanAcadé

    JuanAcadé Elite

    Aug 29, 2014
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    Hi, I've been away for a while... again... but I'm considering going back and continue where I left. At least to improve with your suggestions what is already done and to complete the central district across the river.

    As both agree about the parks and the interaction with the river, I'll take some time to work on that. I've already tested some ideas on the south bank of the river, but I'd like to know what were your expectations, I mean, what would you like to see or what examples should I follow.

    And @Drazicdesign, like I said to Kipate, I really appreciate your comments, positives and negatives as well, and the time you've taken to watch the details. I'm glad that you have enjoyed my work.
  11. JuanAcadé

    JuanAcadé Elite

    Aug 29, 2014
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    These are my options at the moment. At some points the banks are too steep for just one esplanade so I came up with this idea, but the extremes are not easy to solve :barefoot:



    Or could be just a pedpath close to the water and connected to the river and the street with plazas
    Drazicdesign and kipate like this.
  12. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Nice to see you back again :)

    And I totally get your frustration with the steep banks. I have to admit that I myself hate working on the river shores a lot; but I want everyone else to suffer, too :D

    I mean, on the one hand, a lower grassy area with some pedpaths could serve as some flood protection area, which has always been important. And also for recreational purposes, of course. You could build some small football fields there, for example. Given that the other riverside already has a steep shoreline, that option with the lowered pedpaths may be the better one.

    On the other hand, it's a small river and it's still a game. And if you place two embankments/esplanades close by, the you could also use the terrain to build more houses on the same height level.

    Maybe other people have better ideas, let's see :)
    Drazicdesign and JuanAcadé like this.
  13. JuanAcadé

    JuanAcadé Elite

    Aug 29, 2014
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    I agree, I like the idea with the pedpaths and recreational areas, but I can't resist myself to place some embankments haha.
    I think I should apply both, according to the topography of each sector. And once again I'm looking to Torino for some inspiration:rolleyes:, though there might be other places that fit better.
    Google Maps
    Google Maps
    Drazicdesign likes this.
  14. Drazicdesign

    Drazicdesign Ambasidor

    Aug 24, 2014
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    I think you made the right choices, a mix of the three, seems perfectly suited to the shores of your city!

    I particularly like the idea of the pedestrian path bordering the banks, a little as if it were in the bed of the river, with a few benches and a few picnic tables.

    The whole surmounted by a masonry dike, so as to stem the flooding of the river ....

    Maybe I could create a new dike on 3Dsmax .... If you have any ideas, proposals, photos, don't hesitate, I can try to do that.
  15. JuanAcadé

    JuanAcadé Elite

    Aug 29, 2014
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    Thank you for the offer (y). For the moment I'm doing fine with the available models, but I'll think about it.

    For example, if you do one with the road and the pedpath at different levels, is it posible to make stairs or ramparts appear at regular intervals to connect them? I mean in the same way that towers and gates appear along the wall in the castle wall pack.

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