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Floro Map, City Building Contest August 2017

Discussion in 'Competitions' started by Mr.X², Aug 6, 2017.

  1. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Floro Map, City Building Contest, August 2017
    City Building will take place between August - Oktober 2017. City Builders may submit up to 10 photos by November 1, 2017, for judging in the Official Contest Submission Thread. Winners will be announced November 31, 2017. Winners will be awarded special "banners" that will be displayed under their avatar on XLNation.
    The Rules:
    1. Your City must be built on the Floro Norway map produced by @skullz613 (Thanks for doing this!!)
    2. Build any type of city you like.
    3. No restrictions on patches or mods
    4. Submit up to 10 Photos in an official thread by November 1, 2017 in the designated forum thread: Official Floro Map Contest Submissions 2017
    5. You are free to choose your game version (XL or XXL or CSL) (a special overview must prove you built within CXL map limits when participating wih CSL)
    6. Every member of XLNation is invited to take part

    How to?
    Just download Floro Map and start building a city you like on it. No limits, just fun! You can discuss and post pictures about your cities / the competition here.

    The Spirit of Community
    Share your work as you progress in the building period. Encourage each other. Bystanders can cheer on their favorites. Remember, this is a game and we are supposed to have FUN. This contest is not about the biggest city but the best in various categories. Everyone on XLNation will be able to vote for their favourite citys and a jury will choose the winners of each category when submissions are done.

    Cities will be considered for the following Awards
    Win, Place, Show (Voted by the Community) -- Unique Medal and 15/10/5 Trophy Points

    Category Winners will get a Unique Medal and Trophy Points, These will be awarded by a judging panel.

    The categories are:
    • Best rural or farm region
    • Best "Green" City
    • Best "Industrial" City
    • Best RHM interchanges and highways
    • Best Parks and Plazas
    • Best realistic City
    • Best futuristic City
    • Best Vacation City
    • Best "Historical" City
    • Best "Commercial" City
    • Best Looking Skyline
    • Best Looking Harbor
    • Best Looking Airport
    • Best Looking Rail Networks and Stations

    Good luck everyone, and most importantly Fun!​
    kipate, Myname, ronrn and 2 others like this.
  2. nicknick

    nicknick Governor

    Sep 19, 2014
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    wooooow. . .yayy
    Drazicdesign likes this.

    XOUSTE Ambasidor

    Feb 1, 2015
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    Here I am, as usual. TIM截图20170807000812.png
  4. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Me too, guess whose idea it was to have Florø as a map :p ;)
    Drazicdesign and XOUSTE like this.
  5. Kitsunebi

    Kitsunebi Governor

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Not mine, I'll try it anyways :p
    Drazicdesign and kipate like this.
  6. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    Hoping to build something this time round.
    Floro was a good choice.
    Drazicdesign and XOUSTE like this.
  7. ObelicS

    ObelicS Governor

    Jan 6, 2015
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    wuaaa, this map is even more complicated then previous map.

    Not something i prefer, but maybe il compete... we will see :)
  8. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Hey, @skullz613, can we have restrictions regarding posting additional photos after the submission, but still during the voting time?

    @ObelicS, I don't think it's more complicated than the Edzo map.
    1) you have a compact central island that is quite flat.
    2) you can focus on the city, and don't need to build lots of suburbs, if any.
    3) you do have several opportunities for ports.
    4) the coastline is not as steep as it was on the Edzo map.
    5) the only difficulty could arise from looking for places to build bridges that connect the city parts.
  9. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    I think we may need to look at this as we discussed a while ago. Also the submission of CJ's while voting is under way.
  10. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    hm, posting pics after submissions is fine for me
    but probably we can think about a change during the vote and cjs.. btw. i will limit voting time to 2 weeks this time, 1 month is too long
    skullz613 likes this.
  11. nicknick

    nicknick Governor

    Sep 19, 2014
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    Posting photos after submission is not fine for me. A city journal also if not more, especially when see parts of the city player did not post in his original submission.
    A deadline to submitt is a deadline to submitt and the "10 photos per submission" should also be strengthened instead of bent.

    Otherwise we can make this an open submission thread so everyone posts anything and anytime.

    "10 photos till dd:mm:yy". It's simple. People should vote on these 10 photos and not extra material that has potentially been edited and created after submission.
  12. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    ok, but what is your suggestion about how to handle it?
    i dont wanna kill the discussion about the cities you create. and this discussion without pics is just, well, "very bad" in trump words..
    and since history shows that most ppl submit their 10pics the last two days before voting starts we could just say "no cjs before the competition is over and no further pics during the vote"?
    however, i dislike creating rules in such difficult things, id prefer fair competitors
    ronrn likes this.
  13. nicknick

    nicknick Governor

    Sep 19, 2014
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    Rule has to be put when fair play is not respected.

    For me it's a matter of fair play. I post 10 photos and that's it when the submission date is due.
    This time I also posted a link to an HD version of one of the photos i have created since there is still an unresolved issue with HD photos and hotlinking them in here through the site ( they do get resized ).

    I also prefer fair play competitors, still in last competition we had two city journals posted after submission date.

    If we don't agree with this, yes a rule like: "no cjs and no further pics before the competition is over" is a very simple statement that everyone can understand. I see no issues here.

    The thing here is not if we consider "rules" a bad thing. The thing here is that if the "10 photos per submission till. . ." rule has already been bent.

    For me it has been and i consider it unfair for players that post only 10 photos.

    I am not talking about any rule breach regarding last competition, since there was no rule, so plz don't misunderstand my opinion :), I am just talking about rule bending, if we like it and if we want to secure a rule we have ourselves put in the competition.

    Another way that we have seen for players to post another photo and this time IN the submission thread was by putting another photo as a signature, effectively making their submission an 11 photos one. ( !! )

    Things are simple: I's a competition and people should judge on 10 photos.

    We can also leave it open, free. This works too. But i am not sure it is good for the competition or fair for the players that work their a&s off to submit on time : )
    Jotaere likes this.
  14. nicknick

    nicknick Governor

    Sep 19, 2014
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    oh. . . and. . .

    since :topic:

    i wanted to post the first one:


    g2g. . .1.30am here, so gn all :)
    Myname likes this.
  15. nicknick

    nicknick Governor

    Sep 19, 2014
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    I hope my response in this thread regarding cj's of submissions during competition vote is not misunderstood. . . i am not telling anything about any rule breach in the past competition. . . since there was no rule to breach really. . .

    i also hope my response was not misunderstood by anyone that submitted :(. . . but i also believe in timid and open discussions that solve potential problems instead of leaving them just be there. I sincerely hope my response was not taken badly.
  16. XOUSTE

    XOUSTE Ambasidor

    Feb 1, 2015
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    It's reasonable to follow the "10 pics rule", posting extra pics of the submission might have some influence to the voters, I did post my CJ right before the competition ends, but I wasn't thinking of canvassing or stuffs like that, its all due to my RL schedule during that time, and GoldenPort haven't been finished, so I decided to post my CJ as soon as I got whatever is new from my screenshots folder.
    nicknick likes this.
  17. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Hey guys, no need to apologize for anything. Just for this challenge, I say let's not post more photos during the voting time.
  18. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Just getting started with the big structures ;)
  19. Kitsunebi

    Kitsunebi Governor

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Niceeee (y) I wonder what kind of city you're going to build ;)
    kipate likes this.
  20. XOUSTE

    XOUSTE Ambasidor

    Feb 1, 2015
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    Seems like you're going to build a super railway station. @kipate :D
    I will go the highway system first.


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