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Discussion in 'City Photos' started by Project_Oz, Aug 29, 2022.

  1. Project_Oz

    Project_Oz Mayor

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Hi. I want to build a city on several levels. This is what I have built so far, but I don't like something and I can't figure out what. Can you do a detailed review? cxl_screenshot_inn_14 (2).jpg cxl_screenshot_inn_15 (2).jpg cxl_screenshot_inn_16 (2).jpg
    Kitsunebi, Drazicdesign and kipate like this.
  2. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    This is a hard task :D So first, I guess the style is something Latin American? Or probably some filipino city?

    What bugs me a bit is that the upper parts (the ones where you only use rural roads) run only within these long lines, and that the houses are only lying at one side of the road. It looks a bit like a terraced rice field, but with buildings instead. It looks too regular, in my view. I would probably spread this upper part a bit more. And probably add some plateaus.

    Maybe look a bit at images of Baguio City. There you have quite an irregular pattern. But it's of course hard to realize in X(X)L. So far, I quite like your attempt. One has to think about that it's not that easy.
  3. Project_Oz

    Project_Oz Mayor

    Aug 30, 2014
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    This is what i want to create 232056_original.jpg

    I didn't think of a specific style. The basic idea is that I want to make a valley with a rice field and here is the poor population that works the farms. I tried in xxl with arabic pack. It looks better because the buildings don't have to be connected to the road and they are small but I couldn't get used to xxl and I went back to platinum but here I don't have the necessary buildings.

    I understand what you want to say. But I tried to reduce the density of houses the higher I go up the hill to give the feeling of height (but you are right I need to spread a few more houses so that the transition is not so sudden).

    Thx, you gave me some ideas.
  4. Project_Oz

    Project_Oz Mayor

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Update cxl_screenshot_inn_27 (2).jpg cxl_screenshot_inn_30 (2).jpg
    Kitsunebi, Drazicdesign and kipate like this.
  5. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Awesome update, and fantastic work with the different plateaus. Right now, especially these newly added plateaus make the whole area look much more organic!
    One thing: the slope angle of the single four lane road looks way too steep from the second shot :D
  6. Drazicdesign

    Drazicdesign Ambasidor

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Oh how pretty!(y)

    I love the relief effect that you have given to your city.
    What I like the most is the location and the environment around the football stadium!

    It's perfect!
  7. Project_Oz

    Project_Oz Mayor

    Aug 30, 2014
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    cxl_screenshot_inn_33 (2).jpg
    It is a little to steep, but in that area I wanted the road to be steep and short but unfortunately the game change the inclination of the inclined road more when it intersects with another road. On the left you can see that the road is smoother, but for that I had to build it over a greater distance.
    Thank you for the review.

    Thank you but even more thank you for your mods.
    Kitsunebi and kipate like this.
  8. Project_Oz

    Project_Oz Mayor

    Aug 30, 2014
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    The cemetery is ready. cxl_screenshot_inn_45 (2).jpg

    I have big problems with the military base, I've been struggling for 3 days and that's all I managed. cxl_screenshot_inn_43 (2).jpg

    cxl_screenshot_inn_42 (2).jpg
    Kitsunebi, Drazicdesign and kipate like this.
  9. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    The cemetery looks quite cool! And I love the work on the details, e.g. that building where you placed the Pershing Square sculpture underneath.

    If you have those problems with the military base... Do you really need it? Is it essential for the story of your city, or could the city work and function without it?
  10. Project_Oz

    Project_Oz Mayor

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Thank you. Even the bridge that leads to the cemetery has some statues but you can't see them.

    I wanted to build a military base in the last city but I didn't succeed (I can't finish it anymore) so I'm trying here, then for the story but mostly for this part that I built. I like it very much. cxl_screenshot_inn_12 (2).jpg
    Kitsunebi, Drazicdesign and kipate like this.
  11. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Really great eye for all the details! Love how you cared about the mechatronics section as well!

    But what are these spaceships supposed to do there? :D
  12. Project_Oz

    Project_Oz Mayor

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Initially i tested them as a command center for the cannons. Now I'm thinking to see if I can put 3 quarters of them in the ground. The top part could look like some surface-to-air missile battery. I will see what I do with them after I finish the part under the airport.
    kipate likes this.
  13. Project_Oz

    Project_Oz Mayor

    Aug 30, 2014
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    This looks like a zip line cxl_screenshot_inn_50 (2).jpg
    Kitsunebi, Drazicdesign and kipate like this.
  14. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    That's a great idea and realization! Awesome (y) Only the trees there should be cut, at least in my opinion :D
  15. Project_Oz

    Project_Oz Mayor

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Everything is OK. At the beginning the line goes under the tree and at the end a little over the tree and the zip line is for the training of elite soldiers and is part of the most brutal training course. They must to adapt.:D cxl_screenshot_inn_49.jpg
    Drazicdesign and kipate like this.
  16. Project_Oz

    Project_Oz Mayor

    Aug 30, 2014
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    After the zipline, the recruits must conquer Hill 29. The most demanding part of the training course. After that they have to swim 254 m in cold water to reach...
    cxl_screenshot_inn_51 (2).jpg cxl_screenshot_inn_52 (2).jpg
    Kitsunebi, Drazicdesign and kipate like this.
  17. Eslam ragab

    Eslam ragab Skilled Worker

    Dec 22, 2014
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    In my opinion, so good so far. like the idea so much. yet and _not to criticize but comparing to the real photo there_. I think what you may not like is that your road network is so grid and squared comparing to such community which would have in real life like very few main roads going around the cliffs in curvy shape and use more narrow pedestrians paths
    although the height of buildings is almost the same. I think it would give more real aspects if you use different buildings from other mods, once in a while among the slums. many buildings in the original game or the mods have a filthy look and would be suitable.
    although the end of your urban texture when you finish is important. like make it ends gradually due to the elevation issues probably. the raw of houses turn into 6-7 houses then 1-2 houses only in the far end.
    Yet too good so far (4.5 stars)
    Project_Oz likes this.
  18. Project_Oz

    Project_Oz Mayor

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Thank you very much for your comment and of course I'm not upset. It doesn't matter if they are positive or negative, any comment helps me see from another perspective and thus improve my way of building.

    Regarding roads and buildings. The biggest problem is that I don't have tall and narrow buildings. They must be tall and narrow so that i can decrease as quickly as possible the height and at the same time hide the terrain. In the picture below you can see how high the first row is compared to the next. In the following rows of houses, I reduced the height, but in this way the difference in height no longer appears.

    Another big problem is the roads. I can't connect two rows. The game won't let me because "the road is too steep". If I join the rows diagonally, I occupy space for 2 or 3 houses and I would only have roads. For this reason and because I cannot build the houses if the road are not straight, I have the roads in the shape of a grig. But on the right site I still have to build a row of houses and I think I will use your idea with the pedestrian path. Thanks.

    Why i didn't use other buildings?
    First of all, because they need more space and I have to build the roads even straighter.
    The buildings I used let me build part of them in the ground and I can build them on a slope because they have supports like bridges. The edges of the houses can overlap and give the feeling of continuity. Plus, if you use the plaza from the pack, it builds a few houses randomly.

    In cities xxl I tried the houses from the arabic pack. With that pack you can build better because you have small houses and they don't need a road, but if you build on a large area you can see that the houses are repeated. Unfortunately I couldn't get used to xxl and I went back to platinum and here the arabic pack doesn't work and I didn't like other packs.

    I hope I answered all your questions, if not, you can write me here. cxl_screenshot_inn_55.jpg
    P.S. in the picture you can see compared to the land on the left, how far I had to build to reach the lower level.
    Drazicdesign and kipate like this.
  19. Project_Oz

    Project_Oz Mayor

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Before running back the 10 km of the training course, the recruits must stop by the shooting range.
    cxl_screenshot_inn_65 (2).jpg

    The military base is almost finished
    cxl_screenshot_inn_63 (2).jpg

    cxl_screenshot_inn_64 (2).jpg

    Aerial update cxl_screenshot_inn_60 (2).jpg
    Kitsunebi and kipate like this.
  20. Project_Oz

    Project_Oz Mayor

    Aug 30, 2014
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    @Eslam ragab
    I followed your advice.
    I think it looks much better from above, but I don't know if I can get over how it looks from ground level.
    Maybe after I test and perfect this method it will look better. Thanks anyway. cxl_screenshot_inn_75 (2).jpg cxl_screenshot_inn_74 (2).jpg
    kipate likes this.

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