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Newbie learning Cities XL PakUnpack question

Discussion in 'Cities XXL Resource Discussions' started by NetPCDoc, Feb 23, 2015.

  1. NetPCDoc

    NetPCDoc Unskilled Worker

    Feb 20, 2015
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    Okay - so I seem to be stuck at the starting gate ...

    What are common newbie mistakes that would prevent Cities XXL from loading a .patch file created by the 'Cities XL PakUnpack' utility?

    Attempted Log:
    unpacked data.pak to (not the game's) working folder ...
    made a few changes to a .lua file ...
    saved the changed .lua file in the proper location under a working version of \dat folder ...
    (under a patch style name --- zzz_mod_.whatever.lua)
    re-packed the one file (and folder structure) into a .patch file ...
    copied said patch file to game folder \Cities XXL\paks\mods\ ...
    played the game - to see how my small mod works - apparently it is NOT even loading?

    ... scratching my head, trying to guess just what I forgot to do? or got wrong?
  2. nicko2u

    nicko2u Governor

    Aug 22, 2014
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    common newbie mistakes are not to alter .lua files :)

    Though saying that your process seems fine, maybe your mod adjustment just didn't work or you have an incorrect file/directory path?

    are you trying to alter .lua files under /XXL_unpacked/data/design/unprotectedscript/

    anyways @Altiris is the main modder who has most experience with .lua files. maybe he can help you if you say what your trying to achieve?
  3. NetPCDoc

    NetPCDoc Unskilled Worker

    Feb 20, 2015
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    Current goal is a simple one of confirming I can get my mod(s) into the game ...

    While scratching my head ...
    ... I have backed off to having a single -in-line- function in my .lua file,
    ... with the only change being a 'LOG_ERROR("zzz_mod_whatever")' line added to/inside-of that function.

    The log file shows several errors(?) - from before and after where I added mine - but NOT my 'error'!
    ... leaving me feeling like I am failing to achieve my current simple goal.

    @nicko2u - as it happens, the file I am trying to mod is also located in 'unprotectedscript', as well as where I found it (and have been attempting to load my mod from).
  4. NetPCDoc

    NetPCDoc Unskilled Worker

    Feb 20, 2015
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    @nicko2u - thanks for the tip! ... now through the first gate.
  5. Kankrelune

    Kankrelune Skilled Worker

    Nov 28, 2014
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    It's probably not this but if you use another mod(s) another possibility is your mod is loaded before an another mod who changes the same file. Check if your patch file is the last (alphabetically) in the mods directory or check a possible collision with this tool :


    Have fun...
  6. NetPCDoc

    NetPCDoc Unskilled Worker

    Feb 20, 2015
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    @PloP - thanks for posting (nicko2u nailed that issue).

    Have been considering trying to add another tab to the Options Panel ...
    Has anyone else noticed how accessing the Options panel from the OutgameMainMenu causes the OptionsPanelToggle to be called (like 2) extra times for everytime you open or close it from the OutgameMainMenu?

    Currently trying to chase down why the extra toggles are happening ...
    (the extra toggles don't seem to happen from the newMainMenu - ingame/constructionmenu2)
  7. nicko2u

    nicko2u Governor

    Aug 22, 2014
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    I wouldn't be messing with menu items, leave that to @Altiris who currently is fixing/updating the Community Mod for XXL. and who also developed the UIM for previous versions.

    If you have bugs or want new features to menu maybe suggest them to @Altiris ?

    Why I say this? cause we only want one per-requisite.
  8. NetPCDoc

    NetPCDoc Unskilled Worker

    Feb 20, 2015
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    @nicko2u - thanks for the thoughts ...

    My mod is very much in the pre-alpha stage at the moment ...
    ... and considering the complexity NOT something to hand off to someone else;
    ... NOT at a pre-alpha development stage ... maybe in a late beta form ... just not yet.
    Still considering a possibility of offering it to whomever for 'official dlc' packaging ...

    First thought was FileSystem integration that permits relocating the saved data files?
    (I like using external drives for game data ... not that easy to accomplish in an appdata implementation)
    ... I'm currently researching difficulty in adding another tab to options panel,
    as this seems like a logical place to have things like player specified _root folder locations;
    also good place for creating/selecting player/mayor profiles ... that are local (without a server connection),
    for those of us that like to play with multiple cities - but believe each city should appear to have its' own mayor?
    ... or is that each planet should appear to have its' own administrator/elite-leader?

    Second, while doing the first, why not implement a multi-profile capability into the offline-solo environment?
    ... imo, not that much more effort over the relocation of the saved data files.
    (maybe revive some of the profilemgr code that is currently almost useless - without a pay-as-you-go server)
    (and if I can find the time ... maybe try reviving avatar code that doesn't require a network to support it?
    although I might leave off on doing anything with avatars long enough to see if they might come back as a dlc?)

    ... and I consider it a personal challenge to attempt to do my mod without a dependancy - in either direction.

    Howsoever --- in getting to my mod --- I may attempt to clean up some code (if only for my own personal use?)!

    (ouch! am I getting too long winded here?)
  9. nicko2u

    nicko2u Governor

    Aug 22, 2014
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    lots of statements/or questions.
    either way I'm no expert so cannot help sorry.
    also from what I gather if you did make such a new mod, erm wouldn't it become another dependancy? and would it conflict with previous mods? Anyways gluck with it.
  10. Kankrelune

    Kankrelune Skilled Worker

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Wow great challenge... good luck... :)

    Have fun...
  11. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    It sounds like the work you are doing is a bit deeper than the work Altiris has done since you want to add another tab to the games main in-game menu. I understand what you are doing and it sound's pretty cool. Having those options would appeal to some players.
    As the current gamesaves are in appdata, I would imagine it would take more than just changing a few files in the Data folder. I'm guessing some of those settings are buried deep in the games core files which would be locked up with what ever program was used to code them.
  12. NetPCDoc

    NetPCDoc Unskilled Worker

    Feb 20, 2015
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    @skullz613 - actually the tab I am wanting to add would be on the 'options panel' (which can be accessed from either the 'OutgameMainMenu' or the ingame 'NewMainMenu'). ... and the 'ScaleForm' .gfx files are what seem to be giving me the biggest headache; appears it may require purchasing a current version of Autodesk's Scaleform software to find out what is in the .gfx files. Except for the .gfx details ... everything else (for one with my level of experience) seems to be available in the data.pak and data2.pak files.

    When I stop to think about it - most of the mod I am attempting would be linked in via that new tab on the 'options panel' ... if I can manage to add it; which with a little care on my part might allow me to avoid most of the dependancy issues.
  13. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    Yep that's the menu I was talking about. I opened the option.gfx file with notepad++ i noticed it must contain the guts of the option menu.

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