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Registration Thread: Join Your Expansion Program

Discussion in 'Registrations' started by Dreian, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. Dreian

    Dreian Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Message that candidates to colony governance receive from Expansion Porgrams

    Register or to view Spoiler content!

    Hereunder is the form you should fill when registring to the COUNTRIES XL project

    City style you would like to build:

    • I like to build cities with...
    Preferred maps to build:

      • 1st choice:
      • 2nd choice:
      • 3rd choice:
    Additional information:
    • Time you consent to allow to Countries XL:
    • Links to City Journals you have on XLNation:
    • Skills with softwares:
    Performance of Computer:
    • My computer can handle cities reaching a population of:

  2. Dreian

    Dreian Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Candidate: Dreian

    City style you would like to build:

    • I like to build cities with a mixed gameplay. Usually it ends up with a conurbation of average cities with a Urban/rural split of 70-30.
    • I am open to any kind of city styles like Euro, US, Latin american... or organic futuristic layout... i can adapt myself
    • I don't search for a strong city specialization, i prefer to have a versatile city... a bit of everything

    Preferred maps to build:
    • 1st choice: Coastal maps & archipelago
    • 2nd choice: Lakes
    • 3rd choice: Canyons
    Additional information:

    • Time you consent to allow to Countries XL: on a casual base every week.
    • Links to City Journals you have on XLNation: none since the migration
    • Skills with softwares: a bit of photoshop...
    • Other: i like role play.
    Performance of Computer:
    • My computer can handle cities reaching a population of: 2 000 000 wihout problems
    kipate likes this.
  3. royb 98

    royb 98 Elite

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Candidate: Royb 98

    City style you would like to build:
    • Downtown areas with lots of greenery, pedpaths, different levels of roads (e.g. bridges) and avenues
    • Rural landscapes
    • I'm not fond of building without collision box

    Preferred maps to build:
    • 1st choice: Athens (mod)
    • 2nd choice: The Coast
    • 3rd choice: Anything without too much coastline
    Additional information:
    • Time you consent to allow to Countries XL: varies, 3 to 1 time a week
    • Links to City Journals you have on XLNation: none
    • Skills with softwares: none :)
    • Other: I like artificial languages
    Performance of Computer:
    • With my way of building, I could make a one million city without throwing my computer out of the window... but that's more because of my patience.
    kipate likes this.
  4. Pamascus27

    Pamascus27 Mayor

    Aug 21, 2014
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    Candidate: Pamascus27

    City style you would like to build:
    • The styles I like to build with is firstly Asian and secondly European(various) however it seems like I use European more because the game has more buildings for that style. However if the time comes when Asian buildings are in satisfying numbers, I'll definitely want to build Asian cities more but I do love building in European style in the same way with Asian.
    • I love to build big but not too big cities with a downtown that has a few skyscrapers that the city can identify with.
    • I also like to build rural areas with farms, towns and villages that is nearby a large city. I also like to build large cities, too. I have attempted numerous times to build one but it just came out that I didn't like the way it came out that much. However that was long time ago, so things might have changed.
    • Oh and I also like to build a city that started out in an economically bad situation to the point it progresses to being a developed city, as well as building a timeline-like city starting from the past to the present, telling what happens to the city as time goes by.
    Preferred maps to build:
    • 1st choice: A long and big river crossing the map along with flat lands and a few mountains/hills.
    • 2nd choice: Coastal areas with a huge river or a bay with some islands.
    • 3rd choice: A mountainous map with some flat lands at the base for building.
    Additional information:

      • Time you consent to allow to Countries XL: Several times in weekdays but I have lots of time for it in weekends.
      • Skills with softwares: Some skills with Photoshop and 3dsMax.
      • Other: I am both an active modder and a city builder. I also love to draw and also do enjoyable activities like sports.
    Performance of Computer:
    • My computer can reach a city of up to 100,000 without so much lag in high graphics. In low graphics, I can probably reach a population in the millions but I had never made a city that has a million population before. I am also planning to buy a new processor which I hope can dramatically reduce lag.
    kipate likes this.
  5. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Candidate: the one and only kipate

    City Style I would like to build:

    -Preferably something European, with dense no-collision/collision centers
    and a beltway (I need a beltway), some mixed outer central areas,
    and some low rise suburbs.
    -Urban/Rural split: 70 to 90/10 to 30 (%).
    -I do like geometrical layouts.
    -I am a fan of consistency, though I know that the game does not deliver anything yet...
    -I like plans and extensive solutions...
    -I prefer a variation of industries, with the only exception for my dislike
    of heavy industry buildings (who likes them, anyway?).
    -If necessary, I can build anything, from American to Asian Cities,
    without much problems (I read lots of articles about countries architecture...).

    Preferred maps (ranking from most to least):
    -Coastal Plains
    -King Parrot River

    Additional information:
    Time I would consent: Several hours a week.
    I think I do have a little bit of experience playing CXL.
    I do have slight knowledge of how to work with Photoshop CS2.
    Ah, and I like to write tragic stories, evrything that I want to have a happy ending for
    in fact ends up with chaos and murder (see Bodea Story).

    Performance of my Computer:
    My computer can handle cities in millions with low graphics,
    but I am also always able to take high resolution screenshots;
    overall, I'd prefer a city with a bit more than 1.25 million inhabitants at most,
    just to be sure...
  6. Peter912

    Peter912 Elite

    Aug 22, 2014
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    Candidate: Peter912

    City style you would like to build:
    • I prefer not small cities nor super large (more than 3 million ihabitants). I'd say something between 500K and 1 million inhabitants
    Preferred maps to build:
    • Seaside maps with not dense terrain
    • Maps with rivers
    • Island maps
    • I can build on almost everything ;)
    Additional information:
    • Time you consent to allow to Countries XL: Usually 2 hours a day.
    • Links to City Journals you have on XLNation: I had an old city journal on XLN, named Bourneville but I can't find it.
    • Skills with softwares: None, or very basic.
    Performance of Computer:
    • I yet didn't have many problems with this, didn't lost any city yet
    kipate likes this.
  7. veija2

    veija2 Mayor

    Aug 25, 2014
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    City Style I would like to build:

    I haven't met a city style that doesn't have interesting challenges. It would be boring to play too small a city for too long a time, though. For a longer term project, at least 1 million would be nice. I enjoy playing a city with mass transit, especially metro. Other than that, I'm open. My go-to city style is American, I suppose. But every style city can be interesting to play.

    Preferred maps (ranking from most to least):
    - large island/archipelago
    - rivers/lakes
    - coasts

    Additional information:
    - Time I would consent: Several hours a week. More in a pinch if some special project required. Note: I will be unavailable between November 20 - December 7.
    - I have been playing CXL since it game out and have built cities as large as 6 million (Pleiades, old XLN cj). Links to my current cj's, Harriet Island and Choctaw, are in my signature.
    - I can write a story line, and I have decent image editing skills.

    Performance of my Computer:
    No limitations if I avoid mod conflicts
    kipate likes this.
  8. verners123

    verners123 Skilled Worker

    Sep 16, 2014
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    Candidate: Verners123

    City style you would like to build:
    • I like to build cities with an European/Asian/Latin Style
    Preferred maps to build:
    • 1st choice: Port Cities
    • 2nd choice: Islands and Archipelagos
    • 3rd choice: Mountainous
    Additional information:

    • Time you consent to allow to Countries XL: 15 hrs per week
    • Links to City Journals you have on XLNation: -
    • Skills with softwares: a bit of Photoshop
    • Others: I like artificial cultures and languages
    Performance of Computer:
    • My computer can handle cities reaching a population of: 5,500,000
    kipate likes this.
  9. Ole

    Ole Executive

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Candidato: Ole

    City style you would like to build:
    -European cities (German Pack mixed with in-game buildings (small collision))
    -Urban areas that don't fill more than 40% of the map (due technical reasons)
    -Cities with a lot of culture and that kind of stuff

    Preffered maps to build
    -1st: Lille
    -2nd: Durban
    -3rd: Grenoble

    Additional information:
    -time: usually 1+ hour(s) a day
    -My CJ's are not on the new XLN
    -Skills with software: 3Ds max, Photoshop, Google Chrome :p

    PC performance:
    -I have never made cities larger than 25% of the map, so I don't know. I think it can handle about 50% of a filled map without too much lag :)
    kipate likes this.
  10. Pamascus27

    Pamascus27 Mayor

    Aug 21, 2014
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    Just one more player to go. :)
  11. Basol

    Basol Unskilled Worker

    Oct 13, 2014
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    Candidate: Basol

    City style you would like to build:
    • Spacious mid-size cities is what I most frequently build, with both EU and US style

    Preferred maps to build:
    • 1st choice: Inland maps with a river or lake
    • 2nd choice: Coastal maps
    • 3rd choice: Island
    Additional information:
    • Time you consent to allow to Countries XL: Usually around 8 hours a week
    • Links to City Journals you have on XLNation: Never made one
    • Skills with softwares: Almost none, a bit of photo editing
    Performance of Computer:
    • The largest city i've made had about 600.000 inhabitants and lagged a little bit.
    kipate likes this.
  12. CityMania

    CityMania Skilled Worker

    Aug 30, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Candidate : CityMania

    City style you would like to build:

    • European Style almost all the time
      (Primarily a style of cities North and Central Europe) But I sometimes incorporates of Americain CBD old style in these cities.
    Preferred maps to build:
    • All !
    Additional information:

    • Time you consent to allow to Countries XL: 30 min/ 1 jours per day
    • Links to City Journals you have on XLNation: /// All in the Génération-City Forum
    • Skills with softwares:
    Performance of Computer:
    • My computer can handle cities reaching a population of: 3.000.000 / 4.000.000 ? I rarely have the opportunity to exceed one million inhabitants ^^
    kipate likes this.
  13. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    So guys, some suggestions for teams/countries,
    if you have better ideas, just tell :)

    1) Ole, royb98 and Basol can form Team Netherlands ;)
    I'd say that Ole plays on Lille Map, Basol plays on http://xlnation.net/resources/blue-lake.894/
    (Blue Lake Map; if you have other wishes, hurry up and tell us, please!) and royb98 can play on The Coast Map
    (you meant in-game one, or? I know your first preference was Athens, but from its climate, this map was
    too different compared to the other maps)...
    I would suggest that, given the information you guys provided, royb98 could go for the largest city, Basol
    and Ole go for rather medium-sized cities, just to be sure at the beginning, later, one can possibly change that...

    2) Dreian, CityMania, Peter912
    You all go more for European Cities with some American elements
    (you were not very specific, Peter912, but I know you like European Cities a lot...; Dreian, having seen San Dreiano and your newer CJs,
    I think you also would like to combine European and American elements)...
    For the maps: Peter912, would you like to play on http://xlnation.net/resources/hong-kong.356/ Hong Kong Map by The Funky Monk?
    Dreian, what about http://xlnation.net/resources/hammer-island.932/ Hammer Island?
    And CityMania, what about http://xlnation.net/resources/woodstock-nb.1016/ Woodstock Map?
    Well, decide for yourself who builds the largest city, though I think that building on Woodstock Map will yield the largest city...

    3) veija2, Pamascus27, verners123...
    In my humble opinion, you three would have some differences within your preferred city styles,
    especially there are differences between Pamascus27 and veija2; so maybe you should
    have some PM exchange within your team before you start (differences in city culture
    will on the long run not be any worse than a common culture)...
    Hence, I tried to order you some maps that could make your life easier...
    veija2, would you like to play on http://xlnation.net/resources/kristiansand-v2.298/ Kristiansand Map
    or better on http://xlnation.net/resources/bergen.291/ Bergen Map or http://xlnation.net/resources/tromso.250/ Tromso,
    all by skullz613 (you were looking for some Islands first, so I thought of Tromso first, but the other also have a nice topography;
    you can have some other maps, if you want...)?
    Pamascus27, was http://xlnation.net/resources/quebec.357/ Quebec Map by skullz613 okay for you?
    verners123, would you like to play on http://xlnation.net/resources/olympia-washington.990/ Olympia Map by
    The Funky Monk?
  14. royb 98

    royb 98 Elite

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Yes, I meant the in-game one. Only thing is that I'm not sure if my style of building really fits Ole's and Basol's, but I can work that out. I can build a historic center so it's not a big problem.

    EDIT: What about yourself BTW?
  15. Ole

    Ole Executive

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Pfff, you'll just have to change your syle to make it fit with mine..... ;)
  16. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Calm down, Little Bourne :)

    Well, I thought to stay aside first, so we would have 3 teams of 3 members each,
    and so, no disadvantages due to some team having less members than another...
  17. Peter912

    Peter912 Elite

    Aug 22, 2014
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    I agree with what you said (I have some evil plans with HK map:sneaky:)
    And I indeed like to mix european cities with american ones:p
  18. Dreian

    Dreian Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 24, 2014
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    The proposal is fine with me! :) Sorry guys for lack of response for me during the weekend, i had some things to deal with... and in Russia, administrative sh*t... Does take a lot of time... especially on a sunday... & oh yes i've been also to cinema see "Interstellar", this was a huge mistake especially for the 2.30h i could have used for packing things for Countries XL :(((
  19. Dreian

    Dreian Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 24, 2014
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    + there is a russian guy who responded me in the russian thread. I would propose to take it in my team as a +1, depending on whether or not he's talking english. If i am correct Peter does speak a bit of russian, and as CityMania is french, we will manage a way to talk all together.
  20. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    That was why I put you three into one group!
    Well, Peter may as well learn a little bit of French,
    so you would not need to translate all the time ;)

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