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Rules: General Development Plan (gdp) & City Specialization

Discussion in 'Countries XL Information' started by Dreian, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. Dreian

    Dreian Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 24, 2014
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    What is the General Development Plan of a country (GDP)?

    This is a feature that helps countries to define their strategy & specialize their cities. Each country has its own GDP, which is debated & validated between players during the presidential elections.

    After being elected the president ensures that the GDP program of the country is followed by the cities governors.

    1. The country's GDP is divided into 5 distinct pillars:
    • Farming
    • Production Industry (Heavy + Manufacture)
    • High-Tech & Offices
    • Tourism & Leisure
    • Trade & communications logistics

    The GDP of a country can be updated after each election (in realistic ways)

    2. A country produces 100% of each 5 pillars, which are split between all cities.

    Players can specialize their cities in regards of a certain % of each pillar they have been granted in the GDP. Countries could share each pillar equally between players, as well as decide to specialize cities by focusing on a particular pillar.

    For example: Country A has 5 cities: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 with the following split of GDP

    • Farming: A1- 50%, A2- 10%, A3- 20%, A4- 10%, A5- 10%
    • Production Industry (Heavy + Manufacture): A1- 10%, A2- 20%, A3- 30%, A4- 30%, A5- 10%
    • High-Tech & Offices: A1- 15%, A2- 25%, A3- 30%, A4- 15%, A5- 15%
    • Tourism & Leisure: A1- 10%, A2- 20%, A3- 15%, A4- 15%, A5- 40%
    • Trade & communications logistics: A1- 20%, A2- 20%, A3- 20%, A4- 20%, A5- 20%
    If we consider the GDP of city A1, how would it look like in game?

    With 50% of the farming production of the country A, this city will definitely be dominated by a rural area with a lot of farms, maybe woods... The other pillars show that there are a little bit of everything produced on this map, not too much factories, some standard transportations logistics (average size airport or harbor for exporting farming good), a bit of touristic infrastructures, etc... It should probably be a map with small to average cities...

    This part may be updated

    But concretely, how does it work "in-game"?

    In game, the specialization of a city should be reflected by the abundance or not of each pillar in adequacy to the country's official GDP statement.

    In order to balance their needs, players have to trade with Omnicorp to compensate the lack of resources corresponding to any pillar they have not developed in their city or to export the excedent of their productions.

    We understand that this is a subjective aspect of the gameplay, and we will help countries to moderate this GDP split according to the screenshots / info they share about their cities/ countries. Anyways, we are sure that you understand that a city that specializes in Farming should have a lot of farms on its map, an industrial city should have some big complexes of organized factories… this is the spirit!

    Managing the other resources of Cities XL

    OIL, WATER, WASTE/RECYCLING, ENERGY... are not integrated at this point in the GDP in order to not complicate the starting gameplay. But there are some limitations we have already foreseen.

    Oil will be available only for a limited quantity of cities in the whole world as it’s a scarce resource. in consequence, it will take time to develop big modular oïl/gaz industrial refineries...

    No particular gameplay for water & waste recycling. We consider water being available on all maps (rivers, lakes or underneath water layers).

    Energy: Countries should start by focusing on building small energy plants. Massive energetic infrastructures need time to be built. Nuclear powerplants, will be allowed in later stages of gameplay.

    The general moto is to stay coherent in the way you specialize your cities and in the way you present your cities through screenshots: it will probably raise questions if you show a dump yard very close to a touristic resort…

    This part may be updated

    International economic trades

    For the moment, we would like you to focus on developing interactions within your country, before thinking globally on the planet level. In time, we will propose a gameplay to simulate possible countries specializations.

    This part may be updated
    Peter912 likes this.

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