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Show Us Your Public Transportation Networks

Discussion in 'City Photos' started by Mr.X², Oct 4, 2014.

  1. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    This thread is about public transportation networks.
    Show us your networks by posting Screenshots and/or Plans of yours. Bus, Subway, Trams, Ferrys, whatever :)

    My newest subway network, its still under construction (like bus, tram and the city itself ;) ) :

    like i always do, im using a mixed Secant system with "shared tracks" (="Stammstrecke", there is no english translation :p ) like in my hometown :)
    skullz613 and Möebius like this.
  2. Möebius

    Möebius Executive

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Hello Mr.X , your new thread makes me a smile :)
    I like your metro network , a central metting point is good for small or medium urbes

    I make a city very well planned in mass transport and very easy to build, based in geometric layouts combined with wide pedestrian paths in the core of every neighborhood, conected also with several kinds of bridges and avenues

    Metro lines
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    Bus lines
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    Ferry lines
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    No trams

    Satellital view
    sonmike, kipate, Mr.X² and 1 other person like this.
  3. Matys

    Matys Vagabond

    Sep 21, 2014
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    Oh myyy, that looks sooo good!
    Möebius likes this.
  4. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    ok, lets keep this thread alive :p
    some changes after my city crashed, think i will change some things in the southern area:
  5. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    what is the efficiency of your network like?
    I ask,because I could enhance the effiecieny of one of my trams by adding
    a small metro...
    of course, city has 200k people, so metro like 5%, tram like 25%,
    but rose from 15% to 25%, not bad, I'd say...
  6. Vladimir RA108

    Vladimir RA108 Skilled Worker

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Moebius, SO MANY SUBWAY LINES!!! I'm just fascinated. Even in Moscow we have much less. :)
  7. gecko001

    gecko001 Skilled Worker

    Dec 16, 2014
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    I posted in another thread about disappearing metro lines ("...I was actually in the middle of playing a city, checked the metro line usage, came back a few minutes later to check again, and one of my three metro lines was gone. This "metro disappearance" also happened in another city where I only had one metro line. So the phenomenon isn't likely related to the number of metro lines...") MrX2 suggested posting this here. I'm playing the XXL version, connected to Steam.

    So just now, it happened again in my three-metro-line city; a different one disappeared this time, i.e. a different color than the last time. The line is gone, is no longer listed in the Line Managment panel, but the stations themselves are left in place. I noticed the missing line both when using the Transportation button (on right side of screen), and when using the public transportation button (at the top of the screen). Do you suppose it matters if I have a large number of stations on a given line? I'll count them to refresh my memory; might be like 15 stations.

    (A side note: the new patch #3 to the Community Mod seems (accidentally? intentionally?) to have increased the metro line usage. For instance, I was seeing 35% capacity usage of the smallest carriages, to now having 65% usage of the largest carriages -- quite a difference.

    My line layouts look nothing like those shown above; but I've only just started using metro lines.
  8. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    actually i suggested to post your metro network here when its working again ;) :D
  9. gecko001

    gecko001 Skilled Worker

    Dec 16, 2014
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    I have a pic of a disappeared metro. You can see one line on the left; the two stations on the right have no line. (The two lines kind of snaked north to south, in a parallel fashion, if that makes sense)

    Attached Files:

  10. gecko001

    gecko001 Skilled Worker

    Dec 16, 2014
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    Here, the three metro lines are back online. The city has about 1.6 or 1.8 million population, so I'm glad usage rates are high. (screen is rotated 45 degrees from other pic)

    Attached Files:

    Mr.X² likes this.
  11. gecko001

    gecko001 Skilled Worker

    Dec 16, 2014
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    I know my current metros are a hot mess: the way they look is nowhere near the well-planned look of the other examples. They are functional only. The thing is, I only started playing XL and then XXL about a month and a half ago. I started with my first "city theory", which was basically trying to figure out the simulation (having come from long experience with SimCity).

    Then, I used what I learned to implement "city theory 2": I made cities up to about 600k pop, no shortage of money, but traffic was never good. Then I started "city theory 3" (exemplified in the screen shots), again taking what I had learned and trying to improve.

    In this 3rd theory, I was trying to have the widest streets (expressways, large walkway avenues) with as few junctions as possible, and have small avenues feeding them, and roads feeding the avenues, etc. And, putting offices and high tech along the busiest routes. Then, connecting residences and jobs together with metro. I have one city with 1.4m pop with $624m cash on hand; another (shown in the screenshots) currently with 1.75m pop and $339m cash.

    And yet, the simulation controls me more than I control it.

    I'm hoping that I can get to the point where I'm having success not only in the budget, but more importantly with the aesthetics. My Quality of Life rating is not so good in many areas (I only recently found some information on why). So maybe it's time for "city theory 4". I hope I can make metros like yours be an important part of that. I hope others will share screenshots of their networks, to give ideas for how to make better outcomes happen in my cities.

    Thanks for trying to help with my disappearing metros problem.
  12. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    im not sure if a realistic and efficient metro system is possible when playing the simulation part of the game.. at least i wasnt able to realize it years ago when i started playing cxl and played without cheats (money and stuff)
    now i only play with endless money, so i can build whatever i want :D game-simulations killed my nerves^^
    and yeah i hope as well that others will show their networks here.. i have a passion for such stuff (actually i rather like building road and public-transportation networks than building a city :D )
  13. royb 98

    royb 98 Elite

    Aug 24, 2014
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    I'll try to help you :).

    When I look at your city, I'm missing the natural structure. With that I mean that you're actually building a lot of 'villages' and you connect them with large roads in between.

    1. The people in the middle have to go all around their 'village' to get to the offices on the left. People have to drive further, it takes longer for them to arrive, so there are more people on the roads. Try to visualize the route of a random citizen and ask yourself if he can go straight towards his destination (or at least in the same direction). If not, you should build an avenue. There should always be a big road in the middle of a block so that people who live on the right can quickly go to the left and vice versa.
    2. There is no road in this 'village' that has just a few connections with other roads. More connections means more waiting at intersections. You can try to limit the number of connections of the road in the middle by connecting the individual roads. Also you can see that you have far more vertical roads than horizontal roads, although they are just as important.
    3. It's good that you're trying to limit the number of intersections with avenues, but less intersections also means that people have to detour more. Try to find a balance between the two. For very long distances the metro is more useful, but elites don't use the metro because they want to drink champagne in their limousines :p.
    4. Connect big roads with big roads so that people don't have to use a lot of small roads to get to another big road.
    5. You are creating unnecessary intersections here. Also people who live in the upper right corner of this block have to detour to get up.
    gecko001 likes this.
  14. gecko001

    gecko001 Skilled Worker

    Dec 16, 2014
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    I appreciate your taking some time to explain these points to me. I'm sure it will help others as well. You definitely analyzed correctly what I was trying to do: make little "villages" with a few connections. I'll experiment with your suggestions, to see where it gets me. Thanks!
  15. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    currently planning public transport in my new/current city :whistle:

    kipate likes this.
  16. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
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    Aug 23, 2014
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    kinda final metro network:
    Myname, Drazicdesign and kipate like this.
  17. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    just developed an alternative with suburban trains instead of two of the metro lines... could be difficult to realize since there are still no trains for cxl, but anyway... :D
    OmniusPrime likes this.
  18. terence_30

    terence_30 Executive

    Aug 29, 2014
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    2015-05-11-01-30-53_deco.jpg 2015-05-11-01-29-46_deco.jpg
    These all lines are comnuter railway, anyone who visited Hong Kong may find some memories here. :-D
    Mr.X² and kipate like this.
  19. terence_30

    terence_30 Executive

    Aug 29, 2014
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    The whole KCR system map is here. :)
    KCR system map.png
    Myname, XXXX, Drazicdesign and 3 others like this.
  20. IcyHot

    IcyHot Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 20, 2014
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    I am jealous when I see maps like this, there is no way I can accomplish that
    terence_30 likes this.

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