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Why Does This Game Suck?

Discussion in 'Game Play Support' started by karolans, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. karolans

    karolans Vagabond

    Dec 10, 2014
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    Ok excuse my language but holy shit what is this user interface? :D Thought I would switch from SimCity to something more complex but oh boy this is bad :D.
    Lack of free camera (yes I found that old mod for another version of CXL and it is still bad, but apparently it IS possible to do, why the hell isn't it in there...),
    few settings, NO HOTKEYS (wow and I thought SimCity is bad for not allowing you to change hotkeys, yolo), you can't even open menu with ESC, cmon :D,
    tiny little fonts (guess the game was made for 640x480 only)...
    The worst thing is that the game itself actually seems to be really good, loving the zoning controls, bus lines, realistic graphics (not many animations but at least it runs smotthly), BIG MAPS...
    Too bad, going back to SC for now and hoping the Cities XXL will be the real deal. This frustration was hardly worth my 5 € :).
  2. snick

    snick Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2014
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    To each their own.

    Have fun playing SimVillage. :p
  3. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    karolans when opening CXL
    and XLN: "Oh no, I need to use my brain a bit before I can get the game working, oh no!"
    This was what you could achieve e.g. when using the brain cells a bit, and with a little bit of patience:
    by ovarz...
    Nogerivan and gbojanic like this.
  4. karolans

    karolans Vagabond

    Dec 10, 2014
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    I used my brain and still didn't get the game working, that was my point. I went through the trouble of finding out about CXL mods, digged through a bunch of forums and downloaded a lot of stuff. Don't get me wrong, the game really could be awesome, but I was hoping for a mod that would actually enhance some basic UI elements. None of them does. Seriously, can't even adjust panning speed? I mean didn't Dune 2 already have that? :D I just see no point in content mods if the basic game is annoying to play. So yea, back to SimVillage we go!
    Thanks for the replies anyway.
  5. Steven H. Endermann

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Cities XL (default) has bigger lot sizes than SimCity5, subways, terraforming, farming, autofill plazas, and has density control, but other than that, CXL (default) is not too great default. SC5 features more in-depth simulations, features many more buildings, and allows trees to be put onto grass-paved roads. With mods, some more buildings are added to CXL, but so many essential ones, such as stores and T1 Houses, are missing. Combine the pluses of both games, and I never get off of my computer!

    Oh yes: The modular elements on SC5 (schools, police stations, airports, and many other things) were MUCH easier to use. Even with <9,000 tutorials, I still cannot build a good airport, Nuclear Power Plant, or realistic highway.
  6. Spock

    Spock Executive

    Sep 1, 2014
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    yeah this game is not for kids and for non peanut sized brain ppl
  7. Extablitz

    Extablitz Unskilled Worker

    Sep 14, 2014
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    yes you can go back playing your simshity,no body hurts here :)
  8. royb 98

    royb 98 Elite

    Aug 24, 2014
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    SimCity = great interface, but cartoonish and very, very, very, very llimited (small map, only 8 directions for roads)
    Cities XL = interface is OK, it's cartoonish on street level but not when zoomed out, you can build whatever you want.
    Especially the freedom is why I play CXL.

    BTW: don't expect too much of CXXL. It may remove the lag and add 10 new buildings, but apart from that it looks exaclty the same.
  9. Steven H. Endermann

    Sep 1, 2014
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    I like your spoiler game!
  10. karolans

    karolans Vagabond

    Dec 10, 2014
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    All transportation is freeform in SimCity, not only 8 directions, just so you know! :)
    But yea that's why I wanted to switch - mainly due to the city size limitations (there are new mods that increase SC city limits significantly but they are still a hassle to use). I don't really mind cartoonish style, loving these more realistic CXL graphics though - but that's the thing, nice graphics are useless for me if I don't have a free camera to really make use of them (yes I am aware of the postcard view, not what I mean).
    Guess I am just disappointed that CXL isn't the mix of SC4 and SC2013 I was hoping for, didn't mean to hurt your feelings haha, this game seems really good at the core but the UI is just garbage for someone coming from SC. Really hoping for either a more user friendly CXL or a SC with less limitations and better modding support. Kinda makes me wanna play SC4 again, seems to be getting tons of cool new mods even today... City builders rejoice FTW! Cheers :D
    Yea now I see that CXXL won't bring anything new, the company ownership situation seems pretty bad, looks like the new studio doesn't have access to the main code of the game or something? Damn just let them join Maxis, screw EA and bring the online Planet back (SC regions are going in the right direction but need a lot more). SimCities XL bring it on! :cool:
    snick likes this.
  11. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    RealCity lately published some camera mod.
  12. Nogerivan

    Nogerivan Governor

    Aug 25, 2014
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    :LOL::LOL:...that is a sucker punch to the gonads
    The Funky Monk likes this.
  13. karolans

    karolans Vagabond

    Dec 10, 2014
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    Yup that's the one I found, would be awesome if it would actually work properly - no settings (sensitivity/invert axis) and bobbing up and down if you zoom in a bit. I suppose the game engine just makes it impossible to do properly :(.
    But wow thanks for pointing out the Cities Skylines, I had no idea that thing is in development, haven't really played that franchise. Looks like the real deal, fingers crossed.

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