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CJ Nicaumenee

A pearl at Lake Michigan

  1. Last Update - Part 2

    So, today I will present to you the bus network, and some really nice images showing the last changes :)

    Bus Network
    Starting in the 1920s, the first private bus companies set up their business within the metropolitan area of Nicaumenee. Their service was well acknowledged by the locals, as the routes connected the outer suburbs with the downtown area at times when cars were still expensive. The Wall Street Crash and the subsequent...
    Project_Oz likes this.
  2. Last Update - Part 1

    So, this will be the last update on Nicaumenee :) I want to thank all modders again - without your fantastic additions, the city would not have been the same (y) I am going to present some recent changes, as well as everything concerning traffic and infrastructure; it will be in two parts, as I can only put 30 images into one update ;)


    Traffic & Infrastructure
    When I started doing my research on American cities years ago, I quickly noticed that...
    Dingtao Wang likes this.
  3. Full Map

    After a long journey, I was finally able to finish the map. Of course, there's still room for improvement here and there, there is also a need for more decoration; that all may come later. At the moment, I'm just lucky that I could recreate my ideas - at least to a large extent :)
    Today, I want to present to you the finished city and the remaining districts that can be found on the map. Please remember that the city continues even after the map stops, so some...
  4. New Photos & Culture and Entertainment Spots

    Hey folks :) Today I want to present you some more recent overviews and changes within Nicaumenee! I will also show you some of the cultural and entertainment spots which I think do deserve some more attention :D

    Let's start with the most recent overview: The cut out area shows parts of a railyard that is not totally finished and that I want to show you in another update. Nonetheless, the image shows about two thirds of the total area :) There is a problem with the trees, though; it appears...
  5. Big Update

    Today, I want to present several small and large changes that occured in Nicaumenee within the last few years, as well as some more overviews and images that will have you understand the city better :)

    Highway revamp
    One of the biggest issues ever since has been traffic. The construction of auxiliary highways and more exits amplified the problem, and it decreased safety,...
  6. Southern Lakeside - famous hotels and mansions

    Southern Lakeside - famous hotels and mansions
    The southern lakeside of Nicaumenee has been popular with rich elites since its beginning. Those who could afford it, moved away from the crowded streets of Downtown and Bridgend, and settled alongside Sheboygan Avenue right above the lake. Back in the early 20th century, the area was still rather calm - the trains could barely be heard, and the...
  7. Downtown and Bridgend

    Downtown and Bridgend

    Nicaumenee's history has inadvertently been tied to its location alongside the shores of Lake Michigan. Nicaumenee's trading port has been playing a key role in the city's economy, and it has ever been a gateway to the world outside. The small marinas serve are popular with sailors, and the beaches are oftentimes crowded during summers. So by no surprise are many of the city's landmarks and tourist spots...
  8. Inner suburbs

    Inner suburbs

    Whilst the first Europeans settled on Beacon Hill on Goose Island, most of the communities by the local Ojibwe back then were established within the limits of nowadays suburbs. The area was popular, as it had been close to the then rich fishing grounds, but it was not as swampy as the area alongside the lake coast was back in the late 18th century. Due to the brutal massacres executed by the colonists, it's still...