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CJ Tokarga

The High Voltage city

  1. Tokarga update # 2 : The airport, CBD and miscellaneous pics.

    Hello, everybody, here is the new update of my city.
    I've finished the airport and the CBD, the city is growing and touch the great bypass which go around it.

    So, it's time to present my news pics :

    The CBD, finished, is compact like the front of Manhattan :

    Global view :

    CBD in the morning :

    The North Entrance of the city :

    The great bypass which go around the city : another buildings will be built on the other side.

    The International Airport of Tokarga-Montjovis :




    "A" Terminal

    "B" Terminal


    Airport Entrance : 1 way for taxis, bus, 1 for parkings and 1 underground access for the "B" Terminal.

    Google Earth style view :

    Tokarga by Night :

    Global map :

    City organization : European style with an old center and spider net style avenues. No highway penetrates the city into the bypass line : the highways are continuing as large avenues which converging to the center.

    Full of work are waiting me : many parts of the map are empty, I hope the game won't crash before the city touch the bypass in all parts.

    Have fun !

    PS : please don't make attention for mistakes : English is not my mother speak.
    loren banovic, Möebius and kipate like this.
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